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Change Trends for 2024

Let's embrace the change trends of 2024, including change capability, the changing role of leaders and the fut…

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Farewell 2023!

Hear from the Allegra team as we finish off 2023.

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Video (3:30)

Powering Change through Stakeholder Engagement

Discuss the power of stakeholder engagement for success.

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All articles & videos (page 9 of 9)

Article (2min read)

Change and Transformation in the digital age

Allegra Consulting recently hosted its annual Educational and Networking event at the RACV Club in Melbourne titled: Cha…

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Article (1min read)

Closure of Australian manufacturing office still unlocks CM wins!

The HR team at Merck, Sharp & Dohm were forced to manage the biggest change that could have hit: the closure of thei…

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Article (2min read)

Change Management and the "psychological contract"

The concept of the “Psychological Contract” has been around since the 1960s, but do we really understand its importance…

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Article (2min read)

Can you be both heard, and liked?

Neither men nor women are overall better communicators, but each tend to excel in different areas and can enhance their…

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Article (1min read)

Change Management: it never pays to cut corners

One of the most common definitions of corporate culture is, “It’s the way we do things around here.” When delivering eff…

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Article (1min read)

The important relationship between CM and PM

From talking with our clients, it is a well-established view that project management and change management compliment ea…

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Article (2min read)

Good communication is vital to business transformation success

Two great minds of the 19th and 20th centuries had the following to say about change: "It is not the strongest that…

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Article (1min read)

Change Management Professional Development

As a professional discipline, change management has come a long way. Recognised in its own right as a collection of role…

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