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What you will gain from attending Australasian Change Days

Australasian Change Days is a professional conference for the community to share knowledge, network and learn many…

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Video (2:55)

Project Management meets Change Management

To support the speed of change, Change Managers must understand project management, while Project Managers build th…

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Video (6:25)

Change Trends for 2024

Let's embrace the change trends of 2024, including change capability, the changing role of leaders and the fut…

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All articles & videos (page 1 of 9)

Video (6:16 watch)

What you will gain from attending Australasian Change Days

Australasian Change Days is a professional conference for the community to share knowledge, network and learn many thing…

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Article (5min read)

Navigating Industry 4.0 and Beyond

Embark on a time machine journey through Industry 4.0 and beyond. Explore the origins, evolution, and future of smart te…

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Article (4min read)

The SCARF Model - Applying the model to understand our reactions to change

The SCARF model was developed by David Rock, 2008, and is primarily applied in a Change environment. While experienced i…

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Article (1min read)

Initiating vs Responding - What's your Interaction Style?

Discover how understanding your interaction style can enhance communication and relationships, both personally and profe…

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Video (2:55 watch)

Project Management meets Change Management

To support the speed of change, Change Managers must understand project management, while Project Managers build their s…

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Article (2min read)

The EQ Advantage - Emotionally Intelligent Teams

Discover the power of emotional intelligence in team dynamics. Learn how to foster trust, identity, and efficacy for bet…

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Article (2min read)

Essential Change Management Principles for Agile and Waterfall Projects

Discover how to navigate change in Agile and waterfall projects with essential principles applicable to both approaches.…

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Video (6:25 watch)

Change Trends for 2024

Let's embrace the change trends of 2024, including change capability, the changing role of leaders and the future o…

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Article (3min read)

Minimum Viable Change (MVC)

Explore the world of Minimum Viable Change (MVC) with our guide. Uncover strategic insights, agility in action, and the…

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Video (3:42 watch)

Farewell 2023!

Hear from the Allegra team as we finish off 2023.

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Video (3:30 watch)

Powering Change through Stakeholder Engagement

Discuss the power of stakeholder engagement for success.

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Article (3min read)

Performance Management from a Design Thinking Perspective

Performance Management is a way to align the organisation's goals with its employees. Using Design Thinking can imp…

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Article (1min read)

Learning to say No

It is important to consider saying no when it puts your workload at risk. Saying no isn’t about being selfish. It is abo…

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Article (2min read)

Mobilise the Leaders and Prepare the People

Mobilising the leaders and preparing the people sets the tone for the entire change process.

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Article (2min read)

Define the Change and Build the Change Approach

The first step in change management is defining the change, which involves identifying what needs to be changed, why it…

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