Mother and daughter playing together

Many parts of the world are starting to see an easing of COVID-19 restrictions, one being children returning to schooling onsite. There may be a collective sigh of relief from parents across the globe, however, there will be a period of transition as we all adapt to the changes. Here is a guide to help you adjust to your children being back at school.

Reset your routine

Your daily routine will undoubtedly have to change with morning school drop-off and afternoon school pick-up times. You may need to reschedule work meetings to fit around these times.

Be prepared

While it may seem as though some of your time has freed up due to no longer having to home-school your children, it is important to be prepared for the week ahead.

  • Create a meal plan at the beginning of the week.
  • Prepare some school snacks in bulk and put in the freezer.
  • Plan after school activities for your children.  Here are some activity ideas that require little to no input from you, therefore, creating time for them to be busy so you can work undisturbed:
    • Lego – an excellent resource which many families have access to. Set the challenge for your child to create something specific, for example, a boat, a building or a bridge.
    • Puzzles – a good option to keep children focused for a period of time.
    • Online story-time – there are countless people reading children books online every day.
    • Other activities - including colouring books, find-a-word, Sudoku and reading.

Continue to make time for family connection and wellbeing

Your children may find the transition back to onsite school challenging. It has been a confusing time for them.  Therefore, it is important to make time for checking-in with your children and looking after their wellbeing.

  • Schedule in time for physical activity – for example, go for a walk or bike ride together as a family.
  • Plan ‘downtime’ after school and on the weekend – for example, family game night or watch a movie together.

Practise being in the present moment

Try not to get ahead of yourself. Stay anchored in the present moment and take things step by step, day by day. Adjusting and fine-tuning as you go. A great way to practise being in the present moment is through meditation.

Continue accessing the resources available to you

  • Support your wellbeing by practising self-care, eating well, exercising and getting good quality sleep.

About the authors

Gordan Stokes

Gordan Stokes

As a Lead Talent Acquisition Consultant at Allegra Consulting, Gordan Stokes has over eleven years of experience in… View profile